
Terms & Conditions

1. Introduction

This Agreement governs the use of the E-Commerce Cloud Hosting Service ("Service") offered by [ShopyRoo] ("Company," "we," or "us"). By using the Service, you ("Customer," "you," or "your") agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions ("Agreement").

2. Services

The Service provides a cloud-based hosting platform specifically designed for e-commerce websites. It includes features such as:

  • Server allocation with scalable resources
  • Pre-configured e-commerce platform integration
  • Security features for online transactions
  • Data backup and recovery solutions

3. Customer Responsibilities

  • You are responsible for the content and data stored on your hosted platform.
  • You agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding your online store and its content.
  • You will maintain the security of your account credentials and be responsible for any activity that occurs under your account.
  • You will keep your software applications up-to-date and maintain compatibility with the Service.

4. Limitation of Liability

  • ShopyRoo is not liable for any loss of data, revenue, or profits arising from the use of the Service.
  • ShopyRoo is not responsible for any downtime, service interruptions, or security breaches beyond its reasonable control.
  • ShopyRoo's aggregate liability under this Agreement will not exceed the amount paid by you for the Service in the preceding twelve (12) months.

5. Warranty

  • ShopyRoo disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.
  • The Service is provided "as is" and "as available."

6. Term and Termination

  • This Agreement will commence upon your use of the Service and will continue until terminated by either party.
  • ShopyRoo may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days' written notice to you for any reason, including violation of these Terms and Conditions.
  • You may terminate this Agreement at any time.

7. Payment

  • You agree to pay the fees for the Service as set forth in the chosen plan.
  • Payment is due in advance for the chosen billing term.
  • Company reserves the right to change fees upon thirty (30) days' written notice to you.

8. Intellectual Property

  • Company owns all intellectual property rights associated with the Service.
  • You are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Service in accordance with this Agreement.

9. Data Protection

  • ShopyRoo takes the security of your data seriously and will implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect it.
  • You are responsible for complying with all applicable data protection laws and regulations.

10. Dispute Resolution

  • Any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement will be settled by [Dispute Resolution Method, e.g., arbitration] in accordance with the rules of [Dispute Resolution Body, e.g., American Arbitration Association]

11. Force Majeure

  • Neither party will be liable for any delay or failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement due to causes beyond its reasonable control, such as acts of God, natural disasters, or war.

12. Entire Agreement

  • This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications, representations, or agreements, whether oral or written.

13. Severability

  • If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be struck and the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

14. Governing Law

  • This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [Your State].

15. Contact Us

If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, you can use the 'contact us' form.