



Our platform is easy-to-use and quite self-explanatory. The menus are designed to allow you to add products, edit data, options, variations, and attributes with ease. However, there might be a need to cover the basics. Since our platform is based on VentoCart, which is a fork of OpenCart, you can visit docs.opencart.com to cover all the basics.

In this documentation we will cover platform-wise How-tos and information.

Purchasing a Subscription

To purchase a subscription, simply choose your preferred plan and fill in the necessary details. You can cancel your subscription at any time from your account.

Pause or Cancel a Subscription

To cancel or pause a subscription, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the "My Account" section in the top menu.
  2. In the "My Orders" cart, locate the icon labeled "Subscriptions" and click on it.
  3. Find the subscription you wish to edit.
  4. To cancel the subscription, click on the "Cancel" icon associated with it.
  5. Alternatively, click on the open-folder icon to view status details and/or change the payment method for the subscription.

First Installation

Once you have an active subscription, follow these steps for the first installation:

  1. Visit the URL you chose during registration.
  2. An 'installation' page will appear. Fill in the fields for admin username, and admin password, then click "Next."

If you chose to use your own domain name:

  • Before purchasing a subscription visit your registrar's domain control panel.
  • Change the name servers to: ns1.shopyroo.com and ns2.shopyroo.com.
  • Allow 24 - 48 hours for the DNS change to fully propagate.
  • If you encounter any issues, please contact us using the form on our website.
Alternatively if you can't set up the Name Servers you can set up an CNAME record for the domain pointing to shopyroo.com, and an MX record pointing to mail.shopyroo.com for email support by shopyroo.

After making the above changes, allow time for DNS propagation (usually takes a few hours).

You can find more information about setting up the name servers on your domain registrar's website.

Configuring DNS:

Design a Theme

To design your own theme or apply changes:

  1. Download the default theme as a zip file by clicking here.
  2. Edit the CSS styles or any template file as desired.
  3. Re-zip the edited files with the same filename.
  4. From your shop's administrator panel, go to: Extensions > Installer.
  5. Click the upload button, select the zip file, and click "Install."
  6. Visit Extensions > Extensions and select "Themes" from the drop-down menu.
  7. Click "Install" to activate the newly installed theme.
  8. To set the new theme as the default, go to System > Settings, then click "Edit" on your store.

Note: If you are uploading a new variation of your theme, deactivate and uninstall the old theme first.

Setting up Shipping Methods

From the left menu in the administration panel, click to expand the menu "Extensions" and scroll down to "Shipping". ShopyRoo comes with VentoCart's "Advanced Shipping" default extension. Click on the Pencil Icon to configure it.

Adding a Shipping Package:

  1. Select "* All Packages" from the filter select.
  2. Select "* Add New" in the "Shipping Zones" select.
  3. Fill the form accordingly.

"Shipping Package" Field must be consistent for all zones of the package. For example, if you are adding a "UPS Economy" Package, then "UPS Economy" should be the package name for all zones.

  • "Shipping Zone Name": This field is for internal use, to distinguish the zones. Name this accordingly to the shipping ShopyRoo price list. For example, "1 Kilogram, North Zone".
  • "Geo Zone": Select the Geo Zone where this shipping zone of that package is available. First, you need to build your Geo Zones to include particular countries or areas/zones, from the menu "Localization/Geo Zones".
  • Selecting the Geo Zone option "Fail Over Zone" will act as a fail-over. When the client address doesn't return any results because the address does not match any packages, then it will try to return packages from the "Fail Over Zone" zone.
  • Selecting the Geo Zone option "All Zones" Package will be available always, no matter the client's address.
  • Selecting the Geo Zone labeled as "Disable" The package will be considered disabled and won't be available anymore.
  • "Default Price": This price is the default price of the selected shipping zone, used when the zone matches the user's address, but the postal code doesn't match any postal codes from the list of the shipping zone.
  • "Post Code Price": This price is used when the user's address matches the zone and also matches a postal code from the codes list of the shipping zone.
  • "Weight Class": This is the weight measurement unit that will be used to calculate the weight of the cart. Make sure to set this the same as the package of the shipping ShopyRoo, usually it is kilograms for Europe and pounds for US companies.
  • "Weight": This is the weight for the shipping zone of the package. Refer to the shipping ShopyRoo price list to set the kilos or pounds with the price accordingly.
  • "Volumetric": Shipping companies primarily use dimensional weight, fill this according to the price list of the shipping ShopyRoo.
  • "Postal Codes": Fill this with a list of postal codes that you would like to catch into the non-default price.
  • "Price List": To create a price list, fill the fields Weight, Default Price, Postal Code Price, and then click the [ + ] button next to it. After finishing adding prices in the price list and all fields, click save to save.
  • "Sort Order": Enter a numeric value based on the order you wish the packages to be listed in the front store, lower values will appear at the top.

Click the buttons "Save" to save or update the shipping-zone package, or "Delete" to delete.

Example of Adding "Free Shipping" For all UK Below 5 Kilos:

  1. Add Package:
    • Name: Free Shipping
    • Add price list and set Prices to Zero
    • Geo Zone: UK
    • Weight: 5 Kilos (up to 5 Kgs Free Shipping)

Example of Adding Flat Rate Shipping:

  1. Create Geo Zone:
    • Go To Localization > Geo Zones
    • Click the "+" Button to create a new Geo Zone
    • Add all countries or zones you'd like to apply
    • Name your Geo Zone as desired
  2. Add Package:
    • Name: Flat Rate
    • Adjust Prices as Desired
    • Weight: 150 Kilos
    • Select your Geo Zone created in step 1

Example of Adding "UPS Economy" for Domestic Shipping:

  1. Create Domestic Geo Zone:
    • Go To Localization > Geo Zones
    • Click the "+" Button to create a new Geo Zone for your country or domestic areas
  2. Add Package:
    • Name: UPS Economy
    • Select Weight (Kilos/Pounds) and Price list from official UPS price list
    • Ensure Volumetric and Weight Class are set correctly
    • Select the Geo Zone created for domestic areas
    • Repeat to add all prices/weights from the UPS price list

Example of Adding International Shipping:

  1. Add International Shipping Package:
    • Go back to the "Advanced Shipping" Extension settings
    • Add a package named "International Shipping"
    • For Geo Zone, select "All the rest of Countries/Zones"
    • Estimate weight and prices based on the shipping ShopyRoo's price list

Setting up Payment Methods

From the left menu in the administration panel, click to expand the menu "Extensions" and scroll down to "Payments". The ShopyRoo comes with Stripe and PayPal pre-installed. There are also basic options for 'Bank Transfer', 'Cash on Delivery', etc., that come with OpenCart. To install any of these, simply click the green [+] icon to the right of the desired option, and then click the pencil icon to configure it. You can then copy and paste the API keys of your payment processor account and/or follow the on-form directions.

There is compatibility with all free or paid OpenCart payment extensions found in the OpenCart Marketplace as long as they are built for version 4.x.x.x

AliExpress Importer

Installation Process

  1. Access the Admin Panel: Log into the administrative section of your Vento Cart.
  2. Navigate to Extensions: Once logged in, locate the left-hand menu and click on "Extensions" to expand it.
  3. Access Installer: From the expanded menu, click on "Other".
  4. Install the Extension: Locate the AliExpress Importer extension and click on the green plus icon to install it.
  5. Configure Settings: After installation, click on the pencil icon to access the configuration settings. Set the status to "Enabled" and click the save icon to finalize the setup.

Exploring Drop Shipping Menu

After installation and configuration, you'll find a new menu item labeled "Drop Shipping" at the bottom of the main left menu. Click on it to expand and explore the range of available options within the Drop Shipping menu.

Importing Products

  1. Copy Product URL: Visit the desired product page on AliExpress, copy its URL address.
  2. Navigate to Importer: Return to the Vento Cart Admin Panel and navigate to the Importer.
  3. Paste URL and Configure: Paste the copied URL into the Importer and configure your desired options.
  4. Initiate Import: Once everything is set, click "Next" to proceed. The Importer will identify the product and provide comprehensive details.
  5. Review and Import: Review the details and click the "Import" button to initiate the importation process.

Aliexpress Shipping Calculator Installation

  1. Access Extensions: Navigate to the left menu and click on "Extensions".
  2. Install Shipping Calculator: Select "Shipping" from the drop-down menu. Locate "AliExpress Shipping" and click install.
  3. Configure Options: Access the pencil icon to configure options such as "Replace AliExpress" and "Flat Rate".
  4. Enable and Save Changes: Set the status to "Enabled" and click the save button to apply and save your changes.

CJDropShipping Importer

CJ Dropshipping Importer and Shipping Add-on Installation and User Guide

Welcome to the CJ Dropshipping Importer and Shipping extension tutorial. In this guide, we will walk you through the installation process and explore the fundamental functionalities of both the CJ Dropshipping Importer and the Shipping Add-on.

1. Installation Process:

  1. Navigate from the Administration panel and click on the left menu "Extensions." Then expand it and scroll down to click on "Other."
  2. Locate the CJ Dropshipping Importer extension.
  3. Click the green "+" install icon and then the pencil icon to configure it.
  4. Ensure that the status is set to enabled.
  5. Enter your email matching the one used for your CJ Dropshipping platform login.
  6. Fill in the API token field with your CJ Dropshipping token, which can be found in your CJ Dropshipping account.
  7. Save the configuration.

2. Using the CJ Dropshipping Importer:

  1. Navigate to the newly created menu within the admin panel at the bottom of the left side titled "DropShipping."
  2. Explore three main sections: Order, Product, and Import.
  3. In the Import section, paste the product URL from CJ Dropshipping to import a product manually.
  4. Alternatively, if you are a Chrome user with the CJ Dropshipping extension, use the "Add" button on product pages to add products to your import list.

3. Manual Import Process:

  1. Visit CJ Dropshipping, choose a product, and copy its full URL.
  2. Return to the Importer, paste the URL, and proceed with the importation process.
  3. Configure product details such as pricing, variations, category, shipping warehouse, and inventory information.
  4. Click "Next" to initiate the importation process.

4. Shipping extension Installation and Configuration:

  1. Follow the same installation process as outlined for the CJ Dropshipping Importer.
  2. After installation, navigate to the shipping section and locate the CJ Dropshipping Shipping extension.
  3. Click the install icon and then the pencil icon to configure its settings.
  4. Customize shipping options such as preferred shipping method, flat rate, autofulfill option, and more.
  5. Save the configuration.

4.6. Configuration Settings:

  • Replace CJ Packet Label: In the "Replace CJ Packet" input, you have the option to brand the shipping options with your own label. This allows you to replace the default "CJ Packet" word with your preferred branding.
  • Preferred Shipping Method: In the "Preferred Shipping Option" menu, choose a preferred shipping method. When this method is available for a client's order and "Preferred Only" is enabled, the client will be restricted to selecting only that method. If the preferred option is not available, the client will be presented with the available shipping methods.
  • Flat Rate: You have the option to set a flat rate in the "Flat Rate" section. This flat rate applies when a client's cart contains both CJ products and third-party products. The flat rate is individually applied for each third-party product and is summed up with the shipping cost of each CJ product in their cart.
  • Autofulfill Option: The "Autofulfill" option empowers the system to initiate fulfillment as soon as the order reaches the specified status set by the "Order Status to Fulfill" parameter. This parameter can be configured to "Complete" or "Paid" depending on your payment settings and workflow preferences. With this automation in place, once the order is paid, it will be seamlessly received by the supplier and shipped automatically, eliminating the need for manual intervention.
  • Combine AliExpress Fees: The "Combine AliExpress Fees" feature eliminates the need for using the AliExpress shipping add-on. This functionality enables the extension to seamlessly handle and aggregate both AliExpress shipping fees and CJ shipping fees when a client's cart contains a mix of products from AliExpress suppliers and CJ suppliers.

4.7. Save Configuration:

After configuring these settings to your preferences, change the status to enabled and then click the save icon at the top to apply and save your changes.

5. Placing Orders:

  1. Make a demo order to observe how shipping options are presented to the client.
  2. Clients will have a range of available options sourced from the CJ API.
  3. Place the order, which will be autofulfilled if configured, and check its status in the admin panel.